CT Arts Alliance Appoints New Administrator

The Board of Directors of the Connecticut Arts Alliance (CAA) is pleased to announce that Darren Farrington has been appointed the first Administrator of the advocacy organization and has begun in the position this summer. “I’m thrilled to have been selected as the first administrator for the CAA, and I’m prepared to take on the…

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48-Hour Advocacy Push to Save the State Arts Budget!

Join the Connecticut Arts Alliance in an important 48-hour advocacy push on June 5 and 6 in support of continued State arts funding. Please do what you can to take part, and please share this with other friends and supporters of the arts, encouraging them to participate too. Easy-to-follow instructions and a unified message appear below. THE…

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CAA Policy Statement Re: Proposed State Budget

Connecticut Arts Alliance 2017 POSITION STATEMENT PERSPECTIVE ON the STATE BUDGET and the OFFICE OF THE ARTS Call to Action: Contact your legislators and request: Support maintaining total arts funding of $5,183,087 (less than .02% of proposed budget) Fund State “Arts Commission” (Connecticut Office of the Arts) which will leverage Federal NEA matching funds. Activate…

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Statement from National Endowment for the Arts Chairman Jane Chu Today we learned that the President’s FY 2018 budget blueprint proposes the elimination of the National Endowment for the Arts. We are disappointed because we see our funding actively making a difference with individuals of all ages in thousands of communities, large, small, urban and…

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CT Arts Alliance Seeks Administrator

CAA Administrator Description Part-time: 16-20 hours/mo. or roughly 240 hours annually maximum (2017 would be for 9 mos. or 140 hrs max.) Reports to the CAA Board President I) Administration Provide administrative support to President for material related to board meetings Work with Treasurer to develop and track budget Coordinate strategic planning with board Monitor…

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