There are many ways you can make a difference for the arts, from big asks to simple acts. But don’t take our word for it. Check out these and other simple ways you can help create meaningful change.

Join or renew for 2025
Together, we will advocate for the resources our community needs to thrive, educate decision makers on the important role that arts play in every aspect of Connecticut life, and organize members of our community to share expertise, experience, and resources.

create the vote 2024
As the 2024 election approached, it was crucial that our voices be heard. Individuals were invited to participate in Create the Vote by taking the 2024 pledge, reviewing resources for voters, and assessing the positions of candidates on issues impacting the arts.

Make a case for the arts
No need to sift through mountains of reports and documents to make a case for the arts. We’ve put together these simple fact sheets to make it easy. Share them with your board,
your colleagues, and your network. And, most of all, share them with the people in Hartford who make the decisions!
Speak Up
The arts become a stronger force in our state, our communities, and our lives when we all step forward and speak up.
Get Involved
Our support for the arts is stronger when we all work together and speak with a unified voice.