COVID-19 Impact Update

In response to the pandemic crisis and its economic impact, CAA continues to gather resources, data, and information for and about our statewide arts and culture community. When the time comes, we stand ready to assist in the reopening and rebuilding of arts organizations and the well-being of individual artists. We also have recommendations for…

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Video and Resources from Arts Community Meeting

On April 7, CAA hosted an Arts Community Meeting with guest speaker Liz Shapiro, State Director of Arts, Preservation and Museums, within the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD). Over two hundred arts administrators, artists, and advocates participated on Zoom and Facebook Live! In addition to updates about programs and resources available through the Office of the…

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A Year of Accomplishments with CAA

Connecticut began 2019 with the inauguration of Governor Ned Lamont following an election in which CAA’s Create the Vote CT campaign encouraged candidates and voters to consider the impact of arts and culture on our towns and cities, schools, and economy. As a result of CAA’s efforts, the new Governor formed an Arts, Culture and Tourism Transition Policy…

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Thank Your Legislators and Arts Office

Earlier this month, the Department of Economic and Community Development announced state Office of the Arts grants in four categories for fiscal year 2020. The interactive map below shows grant awards and the location of recipients. (Click here if the map doesn’t load.) [googlemaps] If your organization received a grant, we encourage you to…

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Out-of-Session Advocacy

In Connecticut, our General Assembly—composed of a Senate and a House of Representatives—convene for regular sessions in the winter and spring. In even-numbered years (like 2020), the General Assembly is in session from February to May. In odd-numbered years (like 2019), when the state budget must be drafted and approved, the regular session runs from…

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