Meet Our Members: Oddfellows Playhouse

Oddfellows Playhouse Youth Theater is a Middletown-based non-profit which offers classes, productions and special events in theater, dance, music, circus and visual arts to kids ages 4 to 20 and their families. Founded in 1975 by a small group of college students, Oddfellows remains Connecticut’s largest and most active year-round youth theater, an independent, not-for-profit organization that annually serves over 1,200 young people.

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Meet Our Members: Ives Concert Park

Tucked away in a lush oasis of natural beauty on Danbury’s west side, Ives Concert Park honors the rich history and memory of Pulitzer Prize winning Danbury native, Charles Edward Ives, one of America’s greatest music composers, by providing a nationally recognized forum for the performing and creative arts.

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The Impact of Arts, Culture and Tourism Advocacy Day

Our thanks to all who attended Arts, Culture and Tourism Advocacy Day on April 8! Over two hundred arts and tourism advocates attended the event! One of the best ways to show our legislators that their constituents support the arts is to show up in large numbers for events like this. If their voters care, they’ll care!…

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Meet Our Members: Pantochino Productions

Pantochino Productions Inc. is Connecticut’s award-winning, ridiculously entertaining theatre for family audiences in Milford. Presenting 100% original musical theatre for children and their families, Pantochino’s mission is to entertain, engage and enrich family audiences with an array of original, affordable entertainment experiences, and provide positive, nurturing training to young actors.

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Join Us for Arts, Culture + Tourism Advocacy Day

Join CAA and the Connecticut Tourism Coalition for Arts, Culture + Tourism Advocacy Day on April 8! This is an opportunity to collectively show our political leaders how valuable we are to the future of Connecticut. Your presence and voice are essential during this budget planning process to highlight the tangible benefits of investing in…

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CT Advocates in DC!

On March 4 and 5, a small but impressive delegation of Connecticut artists, arts administrators, and advocates traveled to Washington, D.C. for the Arts Action Summit and Arts Advocacy Day, hosted by Americans for the Arts. The Connecticut contingent joined approximately five hundred other arts advocates from all fifty states and a few U.S. territories.…

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Governor Releases Two-Year Budget

In an address to the state General Assembly today, Governor Lamont released a two-year proposed budget. (For his full proposal and background documentation, click here.) Regarding arts items, the Governor’s proposal recommends maintaining flat funding in both fiscal years 2020 and 2021. His supporting documentation recognizes that “Governor Lamont’s budget maintains funding for arts and…

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Join Us Wednesday for Arts Policy Recommendations

On Wednesday, the Governor-elect’s Arts, Culture and Tourism Transition Policy Committee will present recommendations to the incoming administration. The Committee is one of fifteen groups assembled by Governor-elect Lamont to make policy recommendations on issues ranging from education and healthcare to criminal justice and the economy. Chaired by CAA Board Member Wendy Bury, the Committee has reported…

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