Arts & The Pandemic
Creativity, arts, and culture are big business in Connecticut, but the unique nature of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing economic crisis has made the nonprofit creative sector the hardest hit sector in the country. Research shows that investment in the arts directly improves the health of the broader economy. Without investment and incentives from federal and state governments, the creative engine driving our local and national economies will continue to struggle.
Key Findings
Above statistics drawn from: Americans for the Arts Action Fund: Why the Arts Matter in Connecticut
Bureau of Economic Analysis: Arts & Cultural Production Satellite Account, 2020
Red Alert: Covid-19 and the Creative Economy in Connecticut
Read the Reports

(2022) Americans for the Arts: COVID-19’s Impact on The Arts Research

(2022) COVID-19 Impact on Connecticut's Cultural Organizations

(2021) Americans for the Arts Action Fund: Why the Arts Matter in Connecticut

(2020) Bureau of Economic Analysis: Arts & Cultural Production Satellite Account

(2020) Red Alert: Covid-19 and the Creative Economy in Connecticut

(2020) Lost art: Measuring COVID-19’s devastating impact on America’s creative economy
The Arts & Recovery
While the arts sector has been hit hard by the pandemic, it also has played a significant factor in the recovery of the country. The nation cannot recover from the pandemic without a strong arts sector supporting its communities.
Read the Reports

(2021) National Assembly of State Art Agencies: The Arts and Culture Sector's Contributions to Economic Recovery and Resiliency in the United States

(2021) National Assembly of State Art Agencies: Creative Economies and Economic Recovery Case Studies